Struggling to to fit in exercise? Want to workout at home? Maybe you feel like you really want to start getting fitter but just don’t have the time.

If you want some help then check out this article on the 17 Best Home Personal Trainers in which I’m happy to be featured. 

If you’re struggling with motivation then I absolutely understand what that feels like, life is busy. It can feel like you are already juggling way too much stuff between family time, work and social lives. Fitting in a workout on top of that just feels like one too many of those balls for you to keep in the air!

You know the scenario. You come home from work, or have a long day caring for children and still have so many things to do before you finally get a chance to sit down and relax. You’re tired and stressed. The last thing you want to do is get your gym kit on and head back out the door for a couple of hours.

Before you know it you are unfit and lethargic. You find the thought of starting an exercise regime intimidating and just too much like hard work.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You might have everything you need to start getting stronger and fitter and do an effective workout at home.

Use your home

Just getting started with exercise? There are multiple ways you can get workout at home without buying a tonne of equipment or needing a gym membership.


  • Stairs are a brilliant built-in pulse raiser! Run up and down your stairs a few times in a row to get that heart pumping!
  • Walk up your stairs two at a time, pushing with your leading leg to give a great glute burner of a workout.


  • Chairs can be used for a variety of exercises. Before you sit down use the chair as a step and do 20 step ups on each leg. (Make sure the chair you use is sturdy and you won’t fall).
  • Use the seat to practice your squats. Using good form, squat down to the chair seat, and as soon as you feel it under you stand straight back up. Do this 15 times every time before you sit down and you’ll soon feel your legs burning!
  • Or for a challenging upper body exercise hold onto the edge of your chair and use it to perform tricep dips. Feet closer for an easier dip. Further away for more of a challenge.

The benefits of home workouts

Getting in your work out at home has multiple benefits. Not only getting you fitter and stronger, in your own time, in a comfortable environment.

Minimal equipment required.

You can do a lot with just your bodyweight. Just look at the people who do calisthenics for proof of that! So no need to buy huge amounts of equipment. A basic starter kit of a mat, some resistance bands and a few hand weights will take you a very long way.

You can fit your workouts around your schedule.

Unlike a missed class, your workout at home can be moved to a more convenient time if something comes up and you can’t work out at the time you originally allocated.

Time saving.

You are free to choose workouts that are the appropriate length for your schedule when you work out at home. You will also save time. Driving or walking to the gym, checking in, changing, possibly waiting for a class to start. Then showering/changing and travelling home again. All of which can easily add up to as much time as the workout itself.

No childcare required.

If you have little ones: Take advantage of their nap time. Once they are in bed. When they’re occupied and happily playing. Fit your workouts in then. Slightly older kids may even like to join in and learn to get fit with you!

No one is watching.

When you workout at home, you can practice your moves over and over until you get it right, without anyone being able to see. (Or having to move on because the class is now doing a different move). You can make silly faces, or silly noises, all safe in the knowledge you aren’t being judged.

You can wear what you like.

Sometimes gyms can feel a bit like a fashion parade and there’s pressure to have the latest matching activewear. If you work out at home you can choose whatever clothes feel comfortable. (Although a supportive sports bra is always recommended). Even if that’s your pyjamas!

You can take advantage of online training.

Online training like our Stronger Mother programme, is a great way to get started with your work out at home, and experiment with new types of fitness. It’s also a great way to use your free time to get an effective workout done. If you have a spare 15 minutes you can use that time to squeeze in a short, effective workout. Rather than realising that 15 minutes is really not enough time to even get to the gym, never mind get a workout done.

How to stay motivated

Working out at home might seem like a great idea but sometimes your motivation can be a bit of a struggle to say the least. Especially when you have young children and are a little sleep deprived! Try these tips to stay focused and work out at home regularly.

Find a style of workout that you enjoy.

You will find it so much easier to stick to a workout routine if you enjoy what you’re doing. There are so many styles of workout available for you to try at home. From bodyweight workouts to yoga. Something out there is bound to light your fire.

Schedule it in.

Block time out in your day – add a notification to your phone, or write it in your calendar. If you block the time out you can plan the rest of your day, or week, around your workouts. AND be more likely to fit them in.

Dress for success.

Activewear is now a completely acceptable style of everyday dress, so… If you know you plan to do a workout at home that day. Have your gym kit ready and put it on when you get up. That way you are ready to go as soon as you have the time.

Reward yourself.

We all work better with something to aim for… So pick a treat you’d like to have and make a deal with yourself. For example, if you stick to your exercise routine for x days/weeks/months, you’ll allow yourself that reward. It could be anything from your favourite meal, to a spa day somewhere, whatever works for you.

Workout with friends.

Find a like minded friend to workout at home with, you can encourage each other. Be each other’s motivation on the days when it all seems like too much trouble.

Get some help.

Still struggle to find the motivation? Think about hiring someone who will hold you accountable and encourage your new habit. A mobile pregnancy personal trainer or postnatal personal trainer can be perfect for this. Not only will they help you workout at home, at a set time. But they will also encourage and motivate you to keep up the good work the rest of the week too.

I’m happy to be featured in this article about the 17 Best Home Personal Trainers. Check it out and you might find the help you need! 

With our mobile personal training you will be able to work out, at a level that is suitable for your personal needs, in a safe, guided environment. We also offer group personal training if you want to workout with friends and help keep each other on track.

The sessions will be completely personalised to you and will help you to feel confident in your abilities and safe in the knowledge that the exercises being prescribed are the best ones for you and your body.      


Last updated: 3rd December 2019


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Let Me Train You

Looking for someone who can help you prepare for childbirth? Find out about the pregnancy & postnatal personal training packages EmilyG – a specialist pregnancy and postnatal personal trainer can offer.

With our mobile pregnancy and postnatal personal training you will be able to work out, at a level that is suitable for your personal needs, in a safe, guided environment. We also offer group personal training if you want to workout with friends and help keep each other on track.

The sessions will be completely personalised to you and will help you to feel confident in your abilities and safe in the knowledge that the exercises being prescribed are the best ones for you and your body.